admin, Joan You must be at least a Lite користувач to view this data

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Body type
Мета знайомства
для романтики
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5'1' (178cm)
175 lbs (79kg)
Колір волосся
Фарбований блондин
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Known languages
English, German
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Ви шукаєте
Seeking country
Ангола,Антигуа і Барбуда,Аргентина,Австралія,Австрія,Багамськи острови,Бахрейн,Бельгія,Болівія,Бразілія,Бурунді,Камбоджа,Камерун,Канада,Чад,Чілі,Колумбія,Конго,Коста-Ріка,Кот-д`Івуар,Хорватія,Куба,Кіпр,Еквадор,Сальвадор,Фіджі,Фінляндія,Франція,Габон,Гамбія,Грузія,Німеччина,Гана,Гібралтар,Греція,Гренландія,Гренада,Гваделупа,Гватемала,Гвінея - Бісау,Гвінея,Гайана,Гаїті,Гондурас,Гонконг,Угорщина,Ісландія,Індія,Індонезія,Іран,Ірак,Ірландія,Ізраїль,Італія,Ямайка,Японія,Йорданія,Казахстан,Кенія,Південна Корея,Кувейт,Киргизстан,Лаос,Латвія,Ліван,Лесото,Ліберія,Лівія,Ліхтенштейн,Литва,Люксембург,Македонія,Мадагаскар,Малайзія,Малі,Мальта,Мавританія,Мексика,Молдова,Монако,Монголія,Марокко,Мозамбік,Намібія,Непал,Нідерланди,Нова Зеландія,Нікарагуа,Нігерія,Нігер,Норвегія,Оман,Пакистан,Панама,Нова Гвінея,Парагвай,Перу,Філіппіни,Польща,Португалія,Пуэрто-Ріко,Катар,Румунія,Російська Федерація,Руанда,Самоа,Сан-Марино,Саудівська Аравія,Сьєрра-Леоне,Сінгапур,Словаччина,Словенія,Соломонові Острови,Сомалі,Південна Африка,Іспанія,Шрі-Ланка,Судан,Свазіленд,Швеція,Швейцарія,Сирія,Тайвань,Таджикистан,Танзанія,Таїланд,Туніс,Туреччина,Туркменія,Уганда,Україна,ОАЕ,Великобританія,США,Уругвай,Узбекистан,Венесуела,В`єтнам,Ємен,Югославія,Заїр,Замбія,Зімбабве,Трінідад и Тобаго,Сербія,Черногорія
Seeking marital status
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Seeking children
Seeking hair color
Чорний,Блондин,Коричневий,Брюнет,Каштан,Рудоволосий,Фарбований блондин,Золотий,Червоний
Seeking eyes color
Seeking smoking
Бажаємий вік
18 - 60
Бажаємий зріст
4'2' (127cm) - 7'0' (213cm)
Бажаєма вага
80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg)
Дата реєстрації
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Forum posts
Profile Views


My name is Stg Katie Higgins, please arrange the email address and reply to my direct email okay (katiehiggin08 at gmail . com) . I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as I receive your mail. Thanks and kisses from Stg Katie Higgins,
My name is Stg Katie Higgins, please arrange the email address and reply to my direct email okay (katiehiggin08 at gmail . com) . I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as I receive your mail. Thanks and kisses from Stg Katie Higgins,
My name is Stg Katie Higgins, please arrange the email address and reply to my direct email okay (katiehiggin08 at gmail . com) . I will introduce myself better and send you my picture as soon as I receive your mail. Thanks and kisses from Stg Katie Higgins,
Здравейте; Искам да ви помоля за сериозна връзка с доверие, честност и уважение. Вярвам, че можем да го направим заедно с истинската любов, не се колебайте да ми пишете чрез имейл адреса ми: al.amira_sayed (AT) Ще ви разкажа повече за мен и ще ви изпратя моята снимка.
Любов и грижи
Hello; I want to ask you for a serious relationship with trust, honest and respect. I believe we can make it together with true love, feel free to write me through my email address: al.amira_sayed (AT) I will tell you more about me and send you my picture.
Love and care

Hello dear I just verify your details from this site and I find it
interesting and i would like to become your friend so that we can
share ideas and things together. You can mail me back on
(capt.kristengriest199atg m a i l.c o m)) if you don`t mind.

cynthy: Hi

Hello dear I just verify your details from this site and I find it interesting and i would like to become your friend so that we can share ideas and things together. You can mail me back on (cynthiawash70 at if you don`t mind.

anita121: HELLOO

Hello, Wow ! i came across your profile,out of curiosity or is it my intuition, i wrote you. I hope writing you wont get me into your bad books You seem like a honest,real and genuine man,I would love to get to know more about you,that is if you do not mind. I am reachable on (anitamorgan601athotmailcom) However,if i do not fit into what you seek,i pray you find that which your heart desires. Much hugs and lots of luv, Do Have a nice day too. but please please , i will like you to mail me on my Email address,

lauralove: hello

Hi! I am Ms laura how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect
condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took
interest in it,if you don’t mind i will like you to write me on ID:this
(laurajulu2000 at hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting
for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you.lots of love laura.

glorialovey: hello

Hi! I am Ms gloria how are you! hope you are fine and in perfect
condition of health.I went through your profile and i read it and took
interest in it,if you don’t mind i will like you to write me on ID:this
(gloriaforgloria (at) hope to hear from you soon, I will be waiting
for your mail because i have something VERY important to tell you.lots of love gloria.

pamela02: Hello,


compliment of the day to you my dear.
Before I proceed, I am Miss Pamela.i am
a tall Girl, slim and fair,love and caring. I know that the race is not
for the poor or rich, neither the swift nor strong but time and chances
happiness am very gentle, kind,i am interested in knowing you more for
important discussion,could you please reply to me via my mail address

pamelaamdanda02 at ya hoo dot com

so that we will know each other very well.
